Our Services
Clients hire us because they have government issues that they need addressed. We provide counsel on strategy and advocate on behalf of our clients before government officials. We are known for our bipartisan approach, our relationships with decision makers, and our deep knowledge of policy and the processes that underlie how decisions are made in government.
Every year, the South Carolina legislature meets in Columbia from the second Tuesday in January until the second Thursday in May. As in other states, our legislature has its own unique set of procedures, rules, manners and preferences. Because so much work is done directly with legislators, knowing the members and establishing relationships of trust is critical to success.
Our clients are companies, local governments, and non-profit organizations whose interests are at stake in in the legislature. We are retained to ensure that our clients’ concerns are understood and addressed and to achieve desired legislative outcomes.
We offer South Carolina state legislative monitoring for clients who need ongoing review of all legislation introduced, a written summary of priority legislation, and weekly reports on the status of priority legislation. Our monitoring is for clients needing up-to-date knowledge of legislation that will affect their interests and who need a weekly written summary of action on their bills during session.
With more than 20 years’ experience representing clients before Congress, The White House, and federal departments and agencies, we understand how the federal government works. We assist South Carolina clients on federal government matters that can be addressed through the South Carolina delegation. We also represent clients before local governments in South Carolina where we know the elected officials and have experience working with them.
We provide general legal counsel for business and personal clients. Our services include contract drafting and negotiation, business development, and general legal counsel. We also assist businesses and individuals in finding the “right” lawyer. We are happy to direct people looking for a lawyer to colleagues around town if we are not suited to meet their needs.

Kyle G. Michel is a Columbia, SC lawyer-lobbyist specializing in government policy and related law. His background is primarily in lobbying and providing guidance to clients interacting with state and federal government, which he has done since 1994. Mr. Michel also represents clients before local government...